Best Shopping in Bodrum Town Center

Local Recommendations from our My Guide Bodrum team

The Bodrum Peninsula' shopping scene is renowned all over the Aegean coast as fun, exciting, and addictive. From funky street corner boutiques to the local village's weekly pazaars to a couple of upscale shopping malls, you won't find it hard to find chic, trendy clothes, pick up some souvenirs or empty your purse while getting GREAT bargains on just about anything you'd like.  Additionally, the currency exchange rates are often unbelievable and that makes your shopping that much more fun and guilt-free. Many Europeans come here to buy their children's school clothes, as the variety is much, the clothes have a 'I've-been-somewhere-cool' feel to them, and the prices are undeniably fantastic!

Once back home, the rewards of your souvenir shopping will most assuredly endear you to your loved ones come birthdays etc. and will serve to remind you of your time in Turkey. After many people go home, they write back to friends here asking them to send 'this or that' as they SHOULD have gotten more of them when here. Many brand-named items are made here in Turkey because of the quality of materials and the  lower production costs. Gorgeous clothes, inexpensive jewellery, traditional handicrafts,and famous kilims and carpets are all to be found on the cobbled side streets or fashionable shopping malls. For a traditional Bodrum shopping experience, don't forget to head to the local markets where you can barter for the item of your choice. The local markets are definitely an experience not to be missed in the Bodrum shopping scene.